Janúar, 2018

19jan18:0022:00International & cultural documentaries Film festival at the Saga loft Day 1

Nánari upplýsingar

In January we will show international and cultural documentaries and films at the Saga loft located in the Settlement Center in Borgarnes, Iceland.

Our main event is JANUARY 19, 20 & 21st.
The times are from

6 pm – 10 PM Friday
6 pm – 10 PM Saturday
6 pm- 10 pm Sunday

We have received generous permissions from film makers, artists and permission to use the Settlement Center to host this event.

This event will be free to the public.


(Föstudagur) 18:00 - 22:00


Landnámssetur Íslands

Brákarbraut 13-15, 310 Borgarnes